R4P News

2021 Collaborative note on cereal diseases now online

The collaborative note “Resistance of cereal diseases” has just been added online on January 28th 2021. It is available here and displays the status of resistances affecting antifungals used to control the main cereal diseases.  

R4P News

News about resistance in grape diseases

The collaborative note “Resistance of vine diseases” is now online. You will find here a detailed description of the evolution of resistance to the different modes of action registered to control downy and powdery mildews, greymould and blackrot.

R4P News

Professionals discuss resistance!

On the AgroLeague website, which brings together a community of several hundred farmers favouring an approach centered on “non-chemical” agronomy, a very instructive feedback on a problem of black-grass resistance to herbicides. As the author of the article rightly says, “agronomy is the first herbicide. ” The site: https://www.agro-league.com/ The post: https://www.agro-league.com/blog/comprendre-et-contourner-les-phenomenes-de-resistance-le-retour-dexperience-danthony-frison

R4P News

Lists of resistance cases: 2020 update available

Knowing the status pest resistance to PPPs in real time allows to adjust practices and avoid unnecessary or ineffective applications. The lists of resistance cases of PPP-resistant insects, weeds, pathogens and mites currently and formerly registered in France have been updated. Do not hesitate to consult them on our website or on the OSF archive. […]

R4P News

The 2020 collaborative notes on diseases are online!

Do not hesitate to consult them to know the evolution of resistance in cereal diseases, grapevine diseases and white mold of oilseed rape. Theses notes also include elements of resistance management. See also the archive of these collaborative notes here.

R4P News

The collaborative note on Herbicides is online

This note was elaborated by ACTA, Arvalis, INRA, ITB, Terres Inovia, FNAMS and Agrosolutions with the participation of COLUMA (Végéphyl) for field data. In addition to a brief summary of resistance mechanisms and a description of good weed control practices (those that do not facilitate the evolution of resistance!), it is accompanied by 17 technical […]

R4P News

The unified classification of herbicides is online

This classification proposed by R4P makes it possible to assign a unique code to all active substances sharing the same mode of action, regardless of their use. All details here. Files are also archived online at this address, with the classification of insecticides, acaricides and fungicides : https://osf.io/ubhr5/