R4P News

2024 update of the Herbicide Resistance maps

The maps showing the location of published cases of herbicide resistance in France (at the scale of the département) have just been updated in 2024. No new cases this year, but an extension of the most worrying emerging resistances (“roots” and glyphosate in the major winter grasses, Ryegrass and Foxtail grass). You can consult them […]

R4P News

Update of the Herbicide Resistance maps 2022

The maps showing the location of published cases of herbicide resistance in France (at the scale of the département) have just been updated in 2022. You can consult them on the page “Resistance status in France”. A summary of the most worrying cases is also available.

R4P News

Collaborative resistance note 2022 on cereal diseases

The collaborative note 2022 “Fungicide resistance of straw cereal diseases” is online. You can also find it on this site, with the history of the common notes for other crop pests. This note, co-authored by representatives of INRAE, Anses and ARVALIS – Institut du végétal, gives an overview, by disease and by mode of action, […]

R4P News

Vine disease resistance note online

The collaborative technical note “Vine disease resistance” 2022 is published. As every year, this note, written by a drafting committee including IFV, Anses, INRAE, CIVC, chambers of agriculture and DGAL-SDSPV presents the status of resistance in 2021 with respect to the main families of active substances used on grapevine in France and establishes general recommendations […]

R4P News

The Plant Protection Index 2022 is published!

The ACTA Plant Protection Index 2022 – 58th edition – has just been published! Updated every year, this practical guide is a reference for choosing plant protection products and agricultural biocides. It includes numerous illustrations, diagrams and thematic summaries to facilitate understanding. Products that can be used in organic farming and in gardens are clearly […]

R4P News

Red alert on poppy!

Poppies (Papaver rhoeas, Papaver dubium, Papaver argemone) are not only pretty flowers. They are also major weeds in winter crops. Not content with that, they have also evolved resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides. But what is the current prevalence of this resistance in France? A study of unprecedented scale using resistance very high throughput sequencing-based diagnosis […]

R4P News

Ragweed evolved resistance to ALS inhibitors in France!

Not only is common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) a weedy, invasive, allergenic and allergy-inducing species, it has also evolved resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides. A large-scale study combining “biological” herbicide sensitivity assays and very high throughput sequencing sheds light on the situation of resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides in France! Several resistance clusters have been identified in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, […]

R4P News

Update of herbicide resistance maps

25/08/21 The maps showing the location of published cases of herbicide resistance in France at the departmental level have just been updated. You can consult them on the page “Resistance status in France”. A summary of the most worrying cases is also available.

R4P News

Biocontrol index and R4P codes

The ACTA biocontrol index 2021 – 5th edition – has just been published! Updated every year, this practical guide provides the keys to understanding how biocontrol solutions work in different plant production sectors, as well as an updated catalogue of biocontrol products marketed in France, macro and micro-organisms, pheromones, natural substances, attractive panels, mass traps […]

R4P News

Monitoring resistance around the world

The R4P network has analysed the systems for monitoring resistance to plant protection products around the world. This study shows that in the same country, several types of actors, private or public, often carry out parallel work on the subject. Their approaches are complementary and monitoring systems would be more effective with more cooperation. Crop […]