PhD position offer

June 7 2018


The resistance mechanisms of common ragweed to herbicides

Scientific context

This work, co-supervised by INRA de Dijon and Anses-RPP de Lyon, aims to identify the genetic determinants of non-target-site-based resistance (see more information, in french), to elucidate the modalities of rapid adaptive evolution in response to herbicide selection (single or multiple evolution, redundancy of mechanisms), and to develop rapid and reliable “high-throughput” molecular tests for resistance detection.

Supervision and geographical location

  • Co-direction Valérie Le Corre (INRA Dijon, UMR Agroécologie) and Benoit Barrès (ANSES, Laboratoire de Lyon, USC CASPER).
  • Laboratories : INRA de Dijon (17 rue de Sully, 21000 Dijon) and Anses (31, avenue Tony Garnier, 69364 Lyon).
  • Possible collaboration with R4P members.


Send pdf CV by mail to Christophe Délye (