Report on JER 2015

Resistances on the grill

The second edition of Days of Exchange on Plant Protection Products, allowed the continuation of the dialogue around the resistance between research and “field”

  • Context

The second Days of Exchange on Resistance (JER) 2015 brought together researchers and experts in resistance to plant protection products from the R4P INRA-Anses-DGAL network and professionals involved in consulting on the use of Plant Protection Products.

  • Content

They provided an opportunity for mutually enriching exchanges around the many aspects of resistance, from the most basic (the “mechanics” of resistance) to the most applied (how to reduce the risk of resistance, how to manage resistance in practice) , An overview of the herbicide, fungicide and insecticide resistance cases listed in France.

  • Mutual Benefits

For scientists, the JER have been an opportunity to confront science with reality on the ground. For the professionals, they made it possible to update the knowledge on the resistances and the strategies of prevention of them, and to exchange on the problems that they meet daily.

  • Download paper published in Phytoma, 684, 10-12 pdf (in french)